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Conference Committee

Prof. Dr. Fauziah Ahmad, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia Prof Oluwole Olatunji, , University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ), Australia enior Lecturer Dr Fahim Ullah, University of Southern Queensland (UniSQ), Australia

Prof. Deb Dulal Tripura, National Institute of Technology (NIT) Agartala, India Assoc. Prof. Mohammad Arif Kamal, Aligarh Muslim University, India Assoc. Prof. João Carlos Gonçalves Lanzinha, University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã, Portugal Dr. Minbale Aschale, Bio and Emerging Technology Institute, Ethiopia

Program Committee

International Technical Committee

Dr. Onn Chiu Chuen, University of Malaya, Malaysia Dr. Naoual Handel, University of Souk Ahras, Algeria Ahmed Diab, Alexandria University, Egypt Ahmed Mokhtar Albshir Budiea, Universiti Pahang Malaysia, Malaysia Antonis P. Michael, Frederick University, Cyprus Darusman, Universitas Syiah Kuala, Indonesia Fatih Mehmet Özkal, Atatürk University, Turkey Gakuho Watanabe, Yamaguchi University, Japan Maneesh Poddar, NIT Karnataka, India Manish Sinha, University of Free State, South Africa

Submission Portal

Mail Address: ceahecep@sub-paper.com

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